A Doctor Answers Common Covid-19 Questions: How Do We Live "Normally"? | Need To Know | Well+Good

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What’s the deal with quarantine pods? Is there a safe way to gather indoors? And how can I better assess my risk of COVID-19 in social situations? We’re answering all of your COVID-19 questions in our debut episode of Need to Know, featuring actress and activist Sophia Bush, and ER physician Dr. Darien Sutton.

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With each new video, we’ll unpack some of the most confusing questions about Covid-19 like ‘When will it end?’ ‘How can we live a safe and ‘normal’ life now?’ ‘What’s the deal with the vaccine?’ ‘What can we expect from the next wave?’ Stay tuned for upcoming episodes with experts Jessica Malaty Rivera, Esther Odekunle, and Raven Baxter.

Listen to a full podcast with Sophia and Dr. Darien here: listen.cloud10.fm/workinprogress_ig
Be sure to follow Sophia here: https://www.instagram.com/sophiabush/
Follow Dr. Darien here: https://www.instagram.com/doctor.darien/

About Well+Good:
Well+Good believes that wellness and health should be attainable for all—and recognizes the many barriers that prevent that from becoming a reality. Sitting at the cross-section of trends, service, and evidence-based journalism, we work to inform, empower, and educate communities and individuals when it comes to fitness, mental health, beauty, food, relationships, finance, and all other ways your day-to-day impacts your ability to live well, while working to challenge the systems that could hold you (or others) back. Your well-being is a birthright. Wellness is how you get there.

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About Well+Good:
Well+Good believes that wellness and health should be attainable for all—and recognizes the many barriers that prevent that from becoming a reality. Sitting at the cross-section of trends, service, and evidence-based journalism, we work to inform, empower, and educate communities and individuals when it comes to fitness, mental health, beauty, food, relationships, finance, and all other ways your day-to-day impacts your ability to live well, while working to challenge the systems that could hold you (or others) back. Your well-being is a birthright. Wellness is how you get there.

You can find Well+Good here:
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