Scotland’s Drum Teuchters was inspired by Ian Purdie ( Ex”Exploited”) and Liam Burns (various well unknown Scottish bands) …friends for a number of years. Both born in the central belt of Scotland …the country of greats such as Robert the Bruce, William Wallace, Sir Alexander Graham Bell ( inventor of the telephone) John Logie Baird (inventor of the Television) ( so between the two of those essentially YOUTUBE!!!) LOL …Robert Burns (Poet) and Billy Connolly ( the ambassador of the great Scottish sense of humour …otherwise known today as banter.We don’t take ourselves seriously but seriously love playing drums!! Our aim is to build a channel to promote Scottish bands from a long list of many successful or not so …but highly talented yet amongst the most creative in the world. Scottish bands have been part of the fabric and at the heart and of the world music industry since lang before “Oor Wullie” was born. We live in the most beautiful and historic country in the world! SCOTLAND’S DRUM TEUCHTERS …MERCHANDISE ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO CHARITY …….THE NHS ( National Health Service) For all their great work during the Pandemic and beyond!! Thank you so much!