Thor: Love and Thunder will introduce Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) as The Mighty Thor, a new version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s God of Thunder, though her power level compared to Chris Hemsworth’s portrayal remains to be seen. Despite being part of the MCU since the first Thor film in 2011, Jane Foster was notably absent in Thor: Ragnarok and only returned for a small appearance in Avengers: Endgame’s time heist. In keeping with the MCU tradition of being reasonably faithful to the comics while also putting a new spin on their stories, Jane Foster’s superhero origins will likely borrow elements from the 2014 comic arc in which Jane’s comic counterpart became Thor. The introduction of a new Thor will also have a major impact on Hemsworth’s version of the character. Avengers: Endgame saw a depressed Thor begin to heal from the deaths of half of his people and think of his heroism in a new way. With director Taika Waititi at the helm, a simple return to the former status quo is unlikely, since Ragnarok’s unique comedic tone already proved Waititi’s capacity to innovate the character. Leaving New Asgard in Valkyrie’s care in order to explore space at the end of Avengers: Endgame signals a new path for Thor – one that drifts even further away from the godlike prince introduced in Phase 1. Thor: Love and Thunder will not be Chris Hemsworth’s last MCU film, so the characters’ niches cannot be redundant. Having two Thors opens up an [More]