While this ESO video a BIT of a flex, it is also showcasing something VERY specific, the importance of Mechanics! Mechanics are key to everything in The Elder Scrolls Online and if you don’t apply yourself in them and perform them properly, it doesn’t matter what strategy you have in mind, you have already failed. The game has COUNTLESS ways to play, but mechanics are the most important things to learn above ALL before all the flashy stuff! Basic interrupts, blocking, dodging, light attacks, heavy attacks, will be with you in all combat areas of ESO, so learn them, get good at them, and USE them. Today i took my Easy Sorc magicka sorcerer build into Black Drake Villa on Veteran difficulty, completely SOLO, and completed it. This character’s FIRST completion was 100% SOLO! Remember of course you CANNOT get or activate ANY secret without 3 other players, so there are NO special bonuses being used. The build was altered occasionally per fight to help with certain things presenting a problem. Sometimes i packed resistance champion points, sometimes i sacrificed a 5 piece bonus for the ring of the pale order. Sometimes i have a precise weapon on the front, sometimes sharpened (depending whether i need more damage or more heals). In some mechanics i used a STAMINA glyph on my back bar with a second vma staff to constantly proc the glyph for more control in CC and dodge scenarios, sacrificing damage and resources from off balance for survival [More]